Saturday, August 23, 2008


The most embarrassing moment of my life...

I don’t know how I am writing this post, but I am doing it because I want out with it!

I have this habit of making passwords that is derived from some event in daily life. I think an old post of mine covering my password travails is proof enough. So I have had passwords like, pulpyorange (cos I was drinking it at the time), techwebcasts ( cos I was recording sessions by technical experts for webcasts on that day), bangaloreblast ( needs no explanation) etc etc.

So I go to this guy blogger's comment section and write a comment and am busy signing in and don’t notice the cursor jumping to the comment box from the password log in area. I then notice that the password has not been typed in and so point the cursor into the password area again, completely ignoring the comment box and successfully publish comment. Luckily, I went back to the blog to check my comment again and was horrified to see this:

Nice post! I do agree with what you have written here about some girls being a pain during dates. I guess it is because we do not have a dating culture to have sufficiently developed dating etiquettes. periodpain

My hair stood on one end and my eyes popped out like in those cartoons, when I saw my password at the end of the comment. I deleted the comment at lightening speed and prayed rather fervently that they guy had not enabled the comments being mailed to his Inbox feature. I was sooooooo embarrassed for a couple of weeks after that! I still blush at the thought!

Never heard from the blogger again. Maybe he died of embarrassment too! :(

p.s someone please tell me you have done worse *sob*


Sriram said...

Whoa! first comment :) Lemme hit the publish button now!

Sriram said...

well, we used to play a trick in my school's lab. Somehow, the moment the admin(who was our compu. teacher) wanted to log in, the whole server room would be full of people. We used to stand near the mouse, pretend to look away, but place the cursor at the username when he was typing the password. He went mad when he saw his password on the screen :p

thomas said...

ROFL!!! absolutely!

Till recently, my passwords used to be the registration number for exams, until one day, a prick in my class cracked it. And the mail box contained those spam mails to buy Viagra. The news spread across the college. Now, i use a combination of meaningless letters and numbers as my passwords. For instance, t5ww784xkcd, whoa!

mathew said...

ROTFL!! u take the cake!!;-P

Philip said...

Bottomline: 1) You realized the mistake quickly
2) You corrected it before more than 2 people saw it.

Sorry, but this doesn't qualify. I demand one more embarrassing moment.

PS: HAAHAAHEEHEA whoa...*clutching my stomach and struggling to take a breath* HAAAHAAA, oh boy. He didn't die of embarrassment...he died from laughing his gut out.

S said...

"some girls being a pain during dates"...

maybe now that guy finally understands why wimmin are difficult to date sometimes ;)

awesome post..

Rada said...


You are now giving me some good ideas for my future password requirements! :-)

This being a decent blog, shall refrain from divulging them, of course!

Anonymous said...

"perforatedhernia"...that is my new password...after reading this post! :-)))

@Philip: ROTFL!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!! Just luvd it.. periodpain.. Wat a passwd!! :)

Anonymous said...


and ya... you have done worse

Anonymous said...

That I fear makes you eligible for the 'blooper of the year award' =D

skar said...

This has been my worst ever:

My friend wanted me to send him T.M. Krishna's rendering of Viriboni(a carnatic song). I happily attached the file with the subject 'viriboni' and wrote the following text:

shag wonly (sood rhyme!)

I used 'shag wonly' in the sense of 'shag worthy' meaning the song was orgasmic! And 'sood rhyme' to mean 'cool rhyme' because I thought 'shag wonly' rhymed with 'viriboni' (*:-|*) Then, I started typing out the send address when clever gmail gave its autofill address options. I didn't know I'd hit one down arrow instead of two. I sent the file only to realise to my utter horror upon the sent confirmation that it had gone to my PhD advisor!! :O I was absolutely petrified because it was still early days with him and our relationship was very formal. Moreover there was only one real english word in 'viriboni' 'shag' and 'wonly' :-| Eventually, I managed to muster the courage to act. I went into my university email this time and typed out an apology email saying I was sending a song for a friend and it accidentally reached him. I played hide-and-seek with my advisor for a couple of days after this incident.

Abhi said...

Totally Hilarious! I just can imagine the embarrassed look on your face when that FLASHED on your monitor! Sometimes bad things happen to good people! :D

@ Philip- ROFLMAO!! Awesome comment! PS: Adi kittathe nokkiko! :)

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Guy blogger probably thought it was a new kind of signature, you know like bestregards.

Anonymous said...

I can almost imagine ur face going red pink and purple!!

RukmaniRam said...

I think quite a few people may have done worse.

I have this habit of leaving out apostrophes when typing in IM, and one day, when I was asking a friend whom he was staying with now, I typed "whore you staying with now?".

But fortunately he was a close frnd!

P.S: your post- hahahahahahahahaha

ancientmariner said...

the password so went with the comment!!! I usually goof up when I am chatting...

Dhanya said...

OMG. This is ultimate... Can't stop laughing :)

Tony Sebastian said...

Yes yes one of my (imaginary) friends has done much worse You can read about it here


Unknown said...

Sorry but I got to laugh out loud... HA HA HA HA HA HA....

of all your posts this one takes the cake....:D

Amey said...

And you just committed blogger genocide...

Rambler said...

Ha ha.. funny post..i usually change passwords to how i am feeling at the moment.. i faced this situation once when i was chatting with a friend..and gave him a weird explanation for what i had typed in the chat window

Unknown said...


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

ROFLMAO ROFLMAO No you beat all the stupid things I've done.


hope and love said...

ha ha ha..!! silvie...!!!

Anonymous said...

Atleast ur better of than these.

A competition was recently held to find out the most embarrassing moments
in people's lives. The following are the final three place getters:

Third Place
It was the day before my eighteenth birthday. I was living at home, but
my parents had gone out for the evening, so I invited my girlfriend over
for a romantic night alone. As we lay in bed after making love, we heard
the telephone ringing downstairs. I suggested to my girlfriend that I give
her a piggy-back ride to the phone. Since we didn't want to miss the call,
we didn't have time to get dressed. When we got to the bottom of the
stairs, the lights suddenly came on and a whole crowd of people yelled
"SURPRISE!". My entire family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and
all of my friends were standing there ! My girlfriend and I we re frozen to
the spot in a state of shock and embarrassment ! for what seemed like an
eternity. Since then, no-one in my family has planned a surprise party

well cant send the 1st and the 2nd place as its long

The Common Man | പ്രാരബ്ധം said...


Godwin Francis said...

Wow!!!I clearly remember the post on password years back(2 yrs ago i think).. now reminiscing of that shows how Silverline posts just keep coming at all time and not just fade away like others!!
Hats off... keep em coming.. dont stop!!

Ajith said...

Lol...You are creative even in passwords....But this one is a little too creative... ROFL...

Most of us have names of girl friends as password... we dont have to be creative after 3 months when the system prompts for a new one as no affair lasts more than that and its not hard to find a new password ( read Girl) !

Vikas SN said...

:) Totally hilarious one.

CG said...

LOL, good one..
I do remember one which might be close to yours. In my previous firm i had received a hilarious non-veg joke and i forwarded it to some of my frnds.
Incidentally one of my friend shared his first name with the CEO of the company and accidentally he was one of the receivers too... to add to the horror my CEO replied to the joke asking me "hows life?"

next couple of months i use to run at the sight of him and the encounters we had were totally embarrassing.

Wanderlust said...

Excruciatingly painfully funny

Safari Al said...

periodpain....does that have anything to do with pain in fingers due to constantly pressing the 'fullstop' key on the keyboard?

ap said...

too much......hehehehe

Just cant stop laughing... :)

Anonymous said...

passwords are a pain...#%$#%^@^%

still.. hehehehehe :-D

skar said...

Anonymous said...

someone please tell me you have done worse

I've done worse. Yup. Embarassment is a close personal companion of mine.

That's that.

No. Me done. Comment over. Now shoo.

What? You don't expect me to TYPE out the incident, do you??? Not happening. Tholikatti poraaa ;D

Mind Curry said...

haahaa laughed out so loud here..
lets just hope that guy is not very "calculative".

Mind Curry said...

oops..can everyone not read my password?

Meher :) said...

=))) Whoa!!!!

Totally hilarious :))))

Cynic in Wonderland said...

hehehe. the juxtaposition is brilliant.

would it feel better if i said i missed the apostrophe in Anu's ( and anu happened to be very senior person marked on mail)?

meenakshi said...


Once I noticed a strange search item in my google search bar. as first i wondered who was the one to use my desktop in my absence. later realised it was my friend's pwd which she typed into search bar :D

rk said...

rofl...yea happens to me all the time.....nice choice of password though...:d

Vaudevillian said...

aahahahahahahaha that had me in splits! silver in gold, that.

Anonymous said...

Lol!! That must have lingered for a while. :DPasswords land you in sticky situations many a time .

Some 2 years back, I did THIS.
My father was not very net-savvy back then.He was sitting beside me while I was using the PC. I needed to show him an important mail( I forgot what it was about).So I go to gmail and type my username in. The show-off that I am, I am typing without looking at the keyboard.There is a slight misunderstanding between the Caps lock and me. :D. The Caps lock knows it IS the caps lock while me(my fingers, rather) thinks it is the TAB. So, you know what happened.

I type the password in , talking to him all the time. So, I see his eyes narrow and I follow his gaze. Behold the username field. 'raoufbhai', the user name and 5 more letters blink back at me. 5 letters in CAPS, of course. 5 letters, out of the 8-lettered password, which was of course, you guessed it, the name of my erstwhile crush. And yeah, her name was pretty familiar to him, her being someone who's been my classmate for a long long time AND someone who calls me often AND him having caught a whiff of something-not-so-right, even before. :|

So, I was properly screwed and I did try some damage-control techniques which didn't succeed to a great extent, as you may guess.
I have changed my password style, since then. The primary criterion is 'something which wouldn't skin you alive in front of your parents.' :D

silverine said...

@All: Thank you so much for the awesome comments! :) I am now convinced that mine was the worst blooper :(

@Philip: LOL!!

Sriram: :p

Praveen said...

i have faced the cursor problem very often too, i have never published my comments with the pwd.
"periodpain" ..thats a funny pwd :)

Anonymous said...

:) Was once changing my Unix passwords while my PM was scolding me for something he imagined my team was responsible for my indignation at being unjustly blamed i set my password as 'D4duffer!' . This would have ended up harmlessly except that one of our internal common chats popped up and i ended up typing my passwrd reconfirmation on to the chat which very conveniently poped up right on his monitor along with those of everybody else in my Team!!!!! The whole team burst out laughing and luckily for me my PM took it pretty sportively..Till date the most embarrassing moment ever!

Shalini Surendran said...

My tummy aches - ROFL..!!!