Saturday, March 31, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday to my blog!!

My blog turned two yesterday!! Thank you all you lovely people who dropped in here to read my ramblings. You guys are the best! *HUGS*


Neihal said...

Happy Birthday Silverine's Blog :) :D

HUGS to you too :)
You Rock!!!

quills said...

Happy B'day! :)Thank u so much for keeping laughter alive with ur amazing posts. Keep on writin' Anjali!

Mudra said...

Happy Birthday! Never commented yet, but great blog. :)

Dhanush | ധനുഷ് said...

Happy Birthday Poomanam :).. Poomanathine ini adutha kollam schoolil cherkanallo ;)

arvin deep said...

Happy birthday!!!

yoyoyo i'm first.

what a coincidence, BTW... my campus newspaper also turned 2 yesterday:

shruti said...

Cngrats ,.,where u been girl ..we missed our sunday post !!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you have come a long way.

mathew said...

happy birthday baby!! :-)

..and thanks for bringing smile to many folks like us who had the pleasure of reading your blog!!

hurrah for all the laughs.. ;-P

njoy and hope you are always inspired to blog!!

Amey said...

Happy B'Day to You!!! Happy B'Day To You!!! Happy B'Day to you...

Now that that's done, where's the party and cake? ;)

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooh! So many Wishes and NO PARTY????
Appy Burdae to da Bloggie in u!

Brijesh Nair said...

Happy Birthday! So when is the treat?

Jiby said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

wow...2 long years of giving us so much to laugh at and still going strong. You are the best!

Rahman said...

Silverine turns two? Time really runs fast! Well, your blog is one of the favourite past-time read for most of my collegues in office since past one year!

I guess regular Silverine readers & 'linkers' deserve a party! :)

Unfortunately the only word I know in Malayalam is 'patti' and so, can't wish in Mallu!

'nywayz... Happy B'Day!

nryn said...

May have many more birthdays!:-)

Happy Birthday to blog! :-D

Anand K said...

Wú Huàng Hou Wànsuì! Wànsuì! Wànwànsuì!


Ganja Turtle said...

Yappy b'day to u, yappy b'day to u!
yappy b'day dear poomanam.....yappy b'day to u!

b v n said...

was thinking of something nice to say...but what can match Dhanush's comment above !neways..santosha janmadinam !Let Poomanam go strong for another hundred years !

Sands | കരിങ്കല്ല് said...

came here just three months back.
i missed all those fun which existed 21 months before that? [that's a lot! :( ]

one of the best blogs I've read. Hats off to you.



Happy b'day too :)

Me said...

..i have been following your blog for a pretty long time but never here comes my first comment...

...happy bday..:))

Janus said...

Here's looking forward to many more years of laughter and good cheer, and Silverine anecdotes about her dogs,goldfish and 3,456,765 other things !

DD said...

Poomaanamee...janmadinashamsakal! Keep rocking Anjali!

Jay Sun said...

Happy Birthday ! :)

Anonymous said...

there is wonly cake... where is daroo? oh i forgot... i should be wishing first... happy 2nd burthday and all that...

now can i have some daroo please?

Mathew Paul said...

Happy Birthday and wish your blog many more successful years...:D..

Started reading your blog a few weeks back. Read many of your past blogs and liked the free style, especially when you use malayalam words when appropriate. The blog on "parenting the parents" is my favourite.

Keep your thoughts flowing and best wishes in your life.

Anonymous said...

Congraats Anjali....
keep writing....


Lalit Singh said...

Happy Birthday Bloggie
Thx for providing some respite from the mundane office affairs.

PS: I wonder why I read ur blog ONLY in office :P

Alexis said...

My belated Birthday Wishes... Just saw this. This never came up in my bloglines feeds. Anyway wishing many, many more years of wonderful writing..

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my favourite blog!!! And many happy returns of the day!
Keep up the good work. Reading this blog I have found is the best way to unwind, esp. when the other alternative woul dhave been murdering my boss.
Have been meaning to leave a comment...but have been my usual lazy self until now.

meenakshi said...

Happy B'day dear.

Unknown said...

Happy B'Day 2 ur Blog!

Kusum Rohra said...


And may the insanity continue :)

unfuel the planet said...

thats a beautiful cake... I do not think I can ever have the heart to cut it.

manuscrypts said...

two's company, hope to see a crowd :)

Anonymous said...

better late than sorry, they say... (or is it better safe than never?) well, whatever it is (and if you think about it, even the mixed up idioms make sense in their own nonsensical way), just dropped in to wish you a belated happy birthday. Its been a pleasure, here's wishing you and your blog lots more... (and you know where you can send the final piece of budday cake, which i am sure you must have saved for me:) cheers...

Arti Honrao said...

Better late than never...
Happy Budday blog!


Praveen said...

thats great silverine, congrats and sorry for being so late to wish you, was caught up in work and also took a trip to good old Kerala :)

jac said...

After deep thoughts on account of statement as reply to my comment about my profile pic and the freight it generated, on advise of the counsel, I have decided on that day that I won't be visiting you with out a more mild profile I am ma`am.

Belated, happy second anniversary!!! With lots of wishes for many more anniversaries to come, including the God’s grace to allow you to blog with your grand children too

Jeseem said...

ohhh missed the b'day.
and the creaming the b'day with cake cream :)

anju said...

i drop by your blog as often as possible and enjoy each post immensely.thank you very much and a very belated happy 2nd blog birthday!

Mind Curry said...

:( i been missing out on all the fun here and at think-pad...just been drowned in a million things..sorry..will definitely be catching up soon..hope you are well.

silverine said...

Thank you all for the wishes :)

Unknown said...

happy 10th birthday wishes to your blog